My engineering office for energy consulting offers you the following services:

  • Individual renovation roadmap for residential properties
  • On-site energy advice
  • Energy demand certificates

The individual renovation roadmap (iSFP) is funded

You can use the iSFP for renovation projects of single-, two- and multi-family houses. The prerequisites for receiving funding are that the building is at least 10 years old and is primarily used as a residential building.

The costs for these energy consultations from certified energy efficiency experts are supported by a subsidy of up to 50% of the eligible consultancy fee of the from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).  

The possible energy savings of each measure are calculated and the funding options presented.


There is no obligation to implement the proposed measures. The renovation roadmap is only intended to show which renovation steps in what order make sense for the building.


With the iSFP bonus, 5% additional funding (e.g. 15% funding plus 5% iSFP bonus resulting in 20% funding) is possible for:

  • Measures to the building envelope (e.g. insulation of external walls and roof surfaces, replacement of doors and windows)
  • System technology (e.g. installation and replacement or optimization of ventilation systems, installation of digital systems to optimize consumption) 
  • Measures for heating optimization (e.g. hydraulic balancing including replacement of heating pumps)

Additional Services