For private clients, public clients and businesses in Dresden

Analysis and advice from a single source


Taking your situation and goals into account, I will create your individual renovation roadmap (iSFP) for your residential property. I will also advise you on possible energy-related renovation needs when purchasing a property. Moreover,  I am authorized to issue Energy Demand Certificates.





Independent energy advice

As a listed energy efficiency expert for federal funding programs, I am obligated to provide independent energy advice.

Based on reliable data

Using simulation software, I create a 3D CAD model of the property and use it to simulate sensible, coordinated measures to effectively save energy.

Individually tailored to you

I take your individual situation and goals

into account.

Comprehensive energy advice
and sustainable energy optimization

 Existing properties

  • On-site energy advice and individual renovation plans (iSFP)
  • Advice on energy renovation needs before buying a property
  • Energy advice for non-residential buildings

Demand energy certificates

  • Creation of energy demand certificates to document the building's energy requirements, a must when renting or selling the property

Funding advice

  • Identification of suitable funding from BAFA and KfW for your project
